Saturday, July 23, 2016

RSU71 Adminsitration target children to cover up corruption and abuse

If anyone has legal issues with my blogs, please email me at and I will fix it. Thank you.

Belfast White Pink Blue Rainbow Collar Bullies

This page details in emails the failure to do basic scheduling before my son even entered 9th grade. Guidance Director James Davis denying him his elective, honors English, throwing my son under the bus with Principal Fitzpatrick. But I had proof. Given them more reason to hurt him. Just like abusers. Target the children to hurt the mother. .

Bangor Daily New Article 10 Million for greed instead of education.

“I don’t think there’s a person in Belfast or any of the surrounding towns that would hesitate to increase taxes if they thought the money was going to be spent wisely,” Hyk said. “But it just isn’t. To come to the table and ask for $10 million to do a cosmetic fix, that really isn’t solving the problem.”
So much wasted by greed mentality. Never investigating administration corruption, fraud, discrimination and failure to provide students with courses and support to rank BAHS from below to above.
BAHS administration with Superintendent Knowles and the current school board throw away full scholarship Questbridge College Applications to low income, high achieving students. This stellar program sends the application to these students in Mid- August before senior year. Applications must be completed 9/30. I know of 2 students, carrying high honors with full load AP courses that were robbed of stellar college Questbridge scholarships because administration failed them last year.
One was my son. His then guidance counselor was Jessica Woods (now on the board). She said no one from Belfast has applied for Questbridge. Then threw it away with admin.
Throw away Phi Beta Kappa awards and deny, deny courses and deny, Deny education to buildings, sports and incompetent jerks. Details Chris Hyk was the only voice of reason, pleading to the same on Belfast City Council and Hall. White, Pink, Blue, Rainbow Collar Belfast Bullies.
Laurie Allen
POSTED BY: PATRICIA KEYES Aug 29, 2016 17:26
Until at least one of the three costly bonds already sucking the lifeblood out of the poorer members of our community is paid off in full, the school board should be embarrassed that they are proposing such a thing!  Has it ever occurred to anyone that a mill rate of 23 is TWICE what is bearable for the average low wage worker in this community????  What a burden for elderly folks on fixed incomes with medical needs!!!!!  How about projects that increase efficiency being the first priority?

WHY aren't the existing RSU-71 buildings being maintained???? What kind of cockamamie stewardship is THAT??? And still the board feels free to spend OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY?

My taxes are twice what they were when I bought my current home, and there's been no improvement in the services I've received, and the schools account for 85% of the bill.  I'd like to have curbside garbage pickup, since I don't own a pickup myself.  I'd like a cop to visit within 24 hrs when something goes wrong in my neighborhood, and for the DA to prosecute some of the violent and destructive criminals around here, EVEN WHEN they MIGHT have to WORK to do it. Swift justice? I'd like to see the OTHER six openings for judges filled, for every one judge who is over-burdened and burned out. We need a local jail! We're paying the county through the nose to have officers DRIVE detainees three counties away to hold them for hearings that are delayed because of lack of judges! And we pay for their room and board while they wait! I'd like to have the ditches mowed twice a summer so I can see around the corner when I'm turning into my driveway and not get killed by a speeding oncoming motorist.  Those are things I'd like to see my property taxes go for, too. Especially when there are less and less children in our state. Why are there 7 administrators per 10 children in our school systems here in Maine? And my local elementary school teachers have to teach science, art and music on their own time, because administration won't tell Common Core and Maine Standards to go to hell???  WHY DOESN'T the school board FREE our teachers to do the job they KNOW they can do?  HOW is another inexcusably expensive building project going to expand young minds?  HOW ABOUT NEW (non-Common Core) BOOKS???

We don't need fancy new cafeterias, DO WE? What academic standards are we so excelling at that we can go beyond that FIRST priority to fantasizing about BUILDING PROJECTS? Why does even the SCHOOL BOARD believe that the poor students in our community are "just" or "only" poor students that cannot do better? Why isn't the focus on seeing students excel?
Voters are responsible for this, whether they have kids actively attending the schools or not. There has to be some wider perspective applied to the "sacred" school budget to bring it into a less myopic relationship with the rest of the community's needs and priorities.

8/18/2016 10:40 am Posted on BAHS Guidance Facebook Page.

Laurie Allen To all incoming Seniors that received Questbridge College application notice. Unbelievably, not one Belfast Honor Low Income Student has been able to get the applications in by the cutoff of 9/30. I begged Superintendent Knowles and Guidance Director James Davis since receipt of Questbridge in August 2015 to please oversee this. They did not. I spoke with another student also unable to get the letters and transcripts needed from staff by the cutoff. Lost full tuition at stellar colleges. A complete crime. The school board fully apprised and silent. Regular decision applications proved these colleges filled there quota of low income through Questbridge. No offers. www,

7/23/2016  Most parents do not challenge the schools when students are harmed by administration. All know the student will be burned. Teaching the students that bully how it's done without physical harm.

In 2010, we relocated to Belfast. I was thrown back into fighting to live safely in our home. I quickly learned that Belfast City Hall was dirty, abusive and corrupt. At 47, I thought I had survived all that, taking that on all alone all my life. I began documenting the corruption in 2011 when Belfast City Hall and players thought they could break me into silence and compliance.

My son was entering 7th grade back then.  I was volunteering at the school while exposing Belfast corruption. I didn't realize the Good Ole Boys in Belfast City Hall were holding court in the RSU. Before my son entered 9th grade at Belfast Area High School as an honor roll student pursuing academic excellence, dedicated and clean, the Director of Guidance, James Davis was already targeting. Through scheduling of my son's chosen classes to achieve academic excellence.

I was trying to stay out of the school to protect my son. I knew many in the school, staff, administration and parents had relations with massive network of corruption I was exposing. It grew leaps and bounds. It goes worse for my son.

This year, I saw this teacher's name on the BAHS website, Butch Richards. The good ole boy that was waiting for my son. Butch Richards is brother to the Director of Belfast Public Works, Bob Richards. Bob has been the gun in the holster, assaulting Seaview Terrace, targeting my property, intimidation, discrimination, and my life under the direction of Belfast City Hall. The father is Jim Richards, Belfast Fire Chief/ambulatory/emergency response.  Good ole boys in the fields to strong arm using public services that we pay for. Kicking mom and children. Again, again, again.... 

For 6 years, reigning fear on my son, hurting my daughter as well because Mom stands up to the corruption and abuse.  Belfast isn't unique to this but a Mom taking them all on...getting back up every time.

We've been alienated since moving here. Making this situation clearer, I didn't know who, what or why until they slammed into our face. The RSU 71 is a disgrace. Period. I protected the teachers, but they didn't step in with the Questbridge College Application intense process that was due 10/1/2015. It's a cop out to say my son needed to be more aggressive. Bullied by administration and socially alienated, he should have crashed. Turning to delinquency and drugs as many teens do coming from family history's like our. Instead he tried harder, studied harder, tried to be included harder, tried, tried, tried. He is a super star. This blog will remain for information.

The last straw for my son was at the Recognition Awards. My page from covers that. And this portion on the main blog covers the names of the administration. Jessica Woods, James Davis, Superintendent Knowles, Principal Fitzpatrick devil's speed to hell.

Hate me? Nah, it's them. Chin Up, Go Girl. I do until death do I part. I found addresses on the 2015 Belfast Tax commitment book online. Many own several properties. Hence somewhere, some known streets, many unknown. But corruption concentration camping on Cedar Street, Park St., Court St., Union St., High St., Main St., Lord St., Wight St., Salmond St., Kaler Rd., Robbins Way, Lead Mountain Lane, Ashely Drive, Head of Tide Rd., Tozier St., Waldo Ave., Searsport Ave. by East Side Garage, all in Belfast.
Coombs Rd.- Morrill,  Patten Drive- Lincolnville, Coles Corner Road-Winterport,  and of course, State Street, Augusta

 Judge Patricia Worth and husband John Worth III somewhere , Belfast
( )

Mega Realtor Earl Black address wanted Bangor?

Earl Black. Executive Office Director. Service Areas and Specialties ... real estate in the GreaterBangor area, as well as Hancock County, Somerset County, Piscataquis County, ... Member and past chair of the Maine Real Estate Commission

Real estate agent Bill Ingersoll somewhere, Belfast
Real estate agent Sam Mitchell address wanted (Worth Real Estate- yes Johnny & Patty's)
( )

Belfast City Council
Mike Hurley somewhere   Belfast
Mary Mortier  somewhere  Belfast
Eric Sanders somewhere , Belfast 
John Arrison  somewhere  Belfast
Neal Harkness  somewhere  Belfast
Prior CC Roger Lee somewhere  Belfast
Prior CC Nancy Hamilton and Planning Board Chair Husband Paul Hamilton (both simultaneously-corrupt as hell) somewhere Belfast
Mayor Ash somewhere somewhere,Belfast
Belfast Chief of Police Mike McFadden somewhere, Belfast
Belfast Time Warner Cable Tech Tom ? (secret brother in law to Chief Mike McFadden, insider info free access to private residents and computers. Hello- Tom came to my house many times for issues that suddenly stopped when I discovered the connection to the the Chief. Creeps. Goes to show how clean me and my kids are. Got nothing on us. Not one bad search of ANYTHING. House clean too. Chief and his men have come here too on anonymous tips of instability. Right. Come on in officers. Couldn't shake me and 2 times they went after my kids, telling me I should be concerned for their well being. City Council also called me in as a threat to the Chief in 2011. City Attorney Bill Kelly sent me many letters to intimidate me too)

Restorative Justice Chair Jay Davis address wanted.
City Manager Joe Slocum address wanted( leave me an anonymous message)

City Planner Wayne Marshall address wanted
City Attorney Kristin Collins address wanted
City Engineer Mandy Olver (Olver Associates, Winterport) address wanted

Economic Developer Thomas Kittredge address wanted
(sent me an email to stop me from speaking at the public hearing for Northport Ave TIF. He advised me that the public hearing was moved to later so that I would miss it. I knew it. I got there early- sure enough the public hearing was first. When I questioned it- Sloscum jumped in and told me there would be another. Ha- now I got to speak twice- 2nd time I ripped.

Director Of Public Works Bob Richards  somewhere Belfast 
Zoning/Code Officer Todd Rosenburg address wanted
Director Parks Norm Poirier with Warden Chris Dyer (Inland Fisheries & Wildlife) address wanted

Planning Board
Chair Steve Ryan somewhere Belfast
Wayne Corey somewhere  Belfast
Margot Carpenter somewhere  Belfast
Roger Pickering somewhere  Belfast
Biff  Atlass somewhere, Belfast
Declan O'Connor somewhere, Belfast, 
Geoffrey Gilchrist somewhere , Belfast
Prior PB Russel Barber somewhere, Belfast

Mike Hogan Maine Group Architect somewhere, Belfast
Waldo County Hospital/Annex site corruption since I moved here in 2010 w/ Planning

Greg Dutch (Dutch Chevrolet)  somewhere, Belfast
Refusal to help with Belfast City Hall corruption

Jayne Giles CEO MaineStream Finance/Penquis (prior House Rep) somewhere, Belfast  
Refusal to help with Belfast City Hall corruption.

Minister Deane Perkins (UU Church) somewhere, Belfast 
RSU71 School Administration
Superintendent Paul Knowles address wanted
BAHS Principal Steven Fitzpatrick address wanted
BAHS Director of Guidance James Davis address wanted
BAHS Prior Guidance Counselor Jessica Woods somewhere,  Belfast
THMS Prior Principal Kim Buckheit address wanted (in 2011 parents told me that Buckheit stole several thousand dollars from fundraising by these parents. A teacher confirmed it.)

RSU71 School Board

Black, Fred
Crabiel, David  crabiel71@gmail.com2018Belfast
DeFrees, Evelyn edefreesrsu71@gmail.com2019Searsmont
Dutra, Bernadette bmldutra71@gmail.com2018Morrill
Goscinski, Allison goscinskirsu71@yahoo.com2018Belfast
Grey, Charlie charlie.grey@rsu71.org2017Belfast
Hills, Caitlin caitlin.hills@rsu71.org2017Belfast
Newsom, Laura  lauranewsomrsu71@gmail.com2017Belmont
Woods, Jessica  jwoods@rsu71.org2018Belfast

All these school adults were kept up to date on the targeting of my son and did nothing. Such great potential into stellar colleges, full scholarship, if they just did their job. Instead they screwed him for 4 years. And he still was AP Scholar Tops. Shame on you all. ( )

MaineHealth Waldo County & Penbay Hospital CEO Mark Biscone address wanted
Board Chair Lee Woodward somewhere Belfast
Board member (& President of Front Street Shipyard) JB Turner somewhere , Belfast
Board member John Worth III somewhere, Belfast
All participating in corruption and destruction to Seaview Terrace.

(See for MaineHealth in collusion with Dept. of Defense corruption and MaineHealth monopoly, private practices, mental health, rehabs, etc. closing like clams, replaced by MaineHealth contractors. Bad, bad news. Records and all your personal business to MaineHealth and Dept. of Defense. Stay healthy people. Get off their drugs, get strong, get ready)

Dr. Edward Zanca  MidCoast Ortho 86 Lincolnville Ave (business) home address wanted.

John Smith J&B Autobody 278 Lincolnville Ave., Belfast (business) home address wanted
( )

Chris Kulbe Ridgetop Chimney Sweep 363 Appleton Ridge Road, business,  Searsmont 
( )

Erin Herbig House Rep. Belfast Erin refuses to acknowledge corruption. She has seen me since I first went public at the City Council meeting in 11/2011. She was at the Front Street Shipyard with Governor and the rest of their clan, ignoring me and my SUV billboard of corruption documentation. Erin's address wanted ( affair scandal too
“I deeply regret falling in love with a married woman,” said Cornell du Houx.

Mike Thibodeau Senate President somewhere Winterport Me 04496 
Dorothy Havey "Special" Assistant to Thibodeau somewhere Lincolnville 
Maine Real Estate Commission
Carol Lehighton (prior Director) address wanted
Karen Bivins, Director, address wanted
Jeff Hill, Deputy Director, address wanted

Prior Commissioner Patricia Aho address wanted
Prior Env. Specialist Christoper Cabot address wanted
Tom Gilbert Field Investigator address wanted
Beth Callahan Project Manager address wanted
Waldo County Emergency Management Agency
Director Dale Rowley address wanted (Dale did not corrupt, he protected EMA and tossed me back to Belfast City Hall again and again. Seaview Terrace will not be saved)

Sue Baker CFM NFIP State Coordinator address wanted (Sue did not corrupt but stated no investigation to Belfast for force flooding private properties illegally.)

Attorney General (Requests for documented corruption/with holding public information/ etc. denied. Mills clearly support of Belfast City Hall corruption to citizens.)
Attorney General Janet Mills address wanted
Rose Smith Executive Secretary address wanted
Brenda Kielty Freedom Of Information Act Assistant address wanted

Rene Bard Affordable Care Act Specialist DHHS Portland 822-2138 address wanted
Governor and Ann LePage  192 State Street Augusta

Senator Angus King  address wanted  Brunswick?

Former Senator Olympia Snowe address wanted Augusta?

Former Senator George Mitchell address wanted

I knew I'd throw myself off a bridge dealing with Senator Susan Collins, so I refused attempts for Ann LePage's assistant, Patricia Condon, to pawn me off to Collins..

Friday, July 31, 2015

RSU71 Fraud and Student Discrimination

  Please leave a comment for any postings that  may have legal issues. I am just an ignorant, poverty stricken mom posting corruption, abuse and awareness. The corrupt take offense and have the defense to mash me like a potato. Like nature, I eventually spud again. Or not. Potato, pototah, I try.



Jessica Woods was my High Honor's, AP Scholar, Phi Beta Kappa Awarded son's counselor. She hurt his education and ran. I cannot believe she is running for the board. No conscience.
Laurie Allen



Read below for emails from Superintendent Knowles supporting fraud, student discrimination and costing us enormous college funding and opportunity. I contacted the Phi Beta Kappa Maine Chapter Director, Dr. Ward. This is not the Phi Beta Kappa Award sent in April when Jessica Woods was my son's counselor. She knew, she robbed my son of this high honor. Below Knowles refuses to honor my son, they mail out this fraudulent certificate and that's it. Not even a congratulations, no acknowledgement what so ever. We would have never even known he received this- never would have listed it on college applications.... It's beyond comprehension.

Subject: RE: XXXXX Belfast Award 2015.
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2015 17:45:36 +0000

The photo you e-mailed is not of the certificate that we sent to the school.  Our certificate was sent to James Davis from our printing company, likely in April.  Maybe Mrs. Ross could inquire about it for you with Mr. Davis and that she could let the guidance staff  know that I have said that what you received is not our certificate.  The name on the form is James Davis.It was sent to James Davis.  If they cannot find it and are willing to pay for a new one, someone from the school can contact me and I can give them the contact information for the printing company.
Debora Elliott Ward, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
The Acadia Hospital
268 Stillwater Ave.
Bangor, ME  04402-0422
Office (207) 973-6349
Fax (207) 973-6038


 Woods, Knowles, Davis and Fitzpatrick are calculating cruel, fraudulent and discriminatory. These are my son's friends...

Great job at Boys Nation Peter!

SEARSMONT, Maine — In the last few weeks, 17-year-old Peter Spectre of Searsmont has traveled far to participate in Boys State and then Boys Nation in Washington, D.C. Along the way, he has found a new passion for service and even…
Congratulations William Henry Hyland on this accomplishment!!!

On Saturday, July 18th, Boy Scout Troop 35 and the Katahdin Area Council honored its newest Eagle Scout, William Hyland (17) of Searsmont. Hyland is the first Eagle Scout from Searsmont’s Troop 35 in nearly 20 years. The ceremony and recognition took place at the Searsmont Community Building on Main…

National Merit Scholarship Commended Students at BAHS

posted Sep 24, 2015, 9:50 AM by Butch Richards   [ updated Sep 24, 2015, 9:50 AM ]
Principal Stephen Fitzpatrick of Belfast Area High School announced today that Philip D. Wich, and Richard L. Wyman both residents of Belfast, have been named Commended Students in the 2016 National Merit Scholarship Program. A letter of Commendation from the school and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC), which conducts the program, will be presented by the principal to these scholastically talented seniors. Principal Fitzpatrick indicated, “These young men are excellent ambassadors for BAHS. They are totally immersed in their educational opportunities and represent their family, community and school in a superlative manner.”
About 34,000 Commended Students throughout the nation are being recognized for their exceptional academic promise. Although they will not continue in the 2016 competition for National Merit Scholarship awards, Commended Students placed among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million students who entered the 2016 competition by taking the 2014 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT).
“The young men and women being named Commended Students have demonstrated outstanding potential for academic success,” commented a spokesperson for NMSC. “These students represent a valuable national resource; recognizing their accomplishments, as well as the key role their schools play in their academic development, is vital to the advancement of educational excellence in our nation. We hope that this recognition will help broaden their educational opportunities and encourage them as they continue their pursuit of academic success.”

RSU71 Officials & Players targets, intimidates and discriminates scholar student because student is my son. I was awarded hotly contested relocation because of my dedication to my children and ability to survive. We relocated here in 2010 with every last cent to get back up safely and privately. Home, work, school and back home. Heal and move on, finally. Prior hell all wrapped up, deaths, estate corruption, insane divorce and family court, more corruption...
Towns were duped into the RSU20 withdraw. Millions spent on the players, the new RSU71 is broke and broken. Millions should have been banked to support the new RSU,  instead Belfast City Hall burned through surplus for more economic wants. Many corrupt projects, too many to track. But hey, lets charge more to dispose of trash(the poor pile it in their yards or nature dump it.) City Hall continues to cut property tax services (basic infrastructure) and jacks up taxes creates a TIF pocket for the 1% and players. City Hall tells the public that we aren't paying for the TIF projects for the 1%... Insane. If private property taxes went into a TIF for resident's needs- how would that suit the 1% and City Hall?

Blame it on the RSU. Students, parents and residents will absorb the crash or crash. More clients for the "healthcare" industry... another Belfast City Hall push. Stressful call centers with bully administrations have employees a mess. In therapy, on meds, back stabbing each other and the customer calling... Thank goodness arthritis took me out of that. Delay, delay, delay an ergo station. Within 4 months, I was flat out, I couldn't sit for even a minute. Physical therapy for a month and upon my return, Dr.s orders for the ergo station to be in place. My boss and personnel told me to get those orders taken off before returning. They did not have the ego station in place yet. Back into poverty I go. Healthcare business boom- my street is in the middle. I am in their way.

Superintendent Knowles interest is assets, not the students and not the parents. Another 1%'er. Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum is baiting for upcoming spending. He had Superintendent Knowles come to the 10/20/2015 City Council meeting to cast the line. He was not impressive. To see Superintendent Knowles not impress, click on the meeting link and then 10A.

RSU71 Superintendent Knowles, BAHS Guidance Director Davis and Principal Fitzpatrick guilty of  Counterfeiting and Student Discrimination

Below is 2 months of the RSU71 Superintendent Knowles, Belfast Area High School Director of Guidance James Davis and  Principal Fitzpatrick counterfeiting the Phi Beta Kappa Achievement Award to my son (below). Law breaking school official thugs destroying student and parents rights.

Superintendent Knowles, BAHS Guidance Director Davis and Principal Fitzpatrick- robbing us of the greatest college assistance- Questbrook.

University and College Partners

QuestBridge partners are leading research universities and liberal arts colleges in the United States. Our 36 partner colleges are among the most selective in the nation, and all offer an outstanding education to their undergraduate students. QuestBridge partner colleges are located in the Northeast, South, Midwest, and West Coast in small towns, suburbs, and big cities. They range in size from 900 to over 16,000 undergraduates. All QuestBridge partners share a commitment to increasing the presence of outstanding low-income students on their campuses and making their institutions accessible to high-achieving students regardless of background.
Read more about our partner colleges.

The National College Match

We know that many of the most talented low-income students in the country do not apply to top colleges. We also know that top colleges want talented low-income students on their campuses. The National College Match was designed specifically to help high-achieving low-income students gain admission and scholarships to some of the country's best colleges and universities.
Through an application uniquely designed for low-income students, applicants can apply to our 36 partner colleges and may be admitted with full four-year scholarships to these schools. The National College Match application opens in August and is due at the end of September.
Visit the National College Match section for more information.
If you are matched:
  • You can be matched to only ONE school.
  • You are committed to attending your match school the following fall*. 
  • You will receive a full four-year scholarship with $0 parental contribution, including tuition, room & board, and additional expenses.

Please keep in mind:

The College Match is highly competitive and only a select number will match to a school; many additional Finalists will be admitted through QuestBridge Regular Decision with outstanding financial aid.
Applicants who rank schools for the College Match cannot apply early elsewhere. Please review the Early Application Policy for details and exceptions.

*All partner colleges, with the exception of MIT, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale, require students to commit to attend and withdraw any outstanding college applications as a part of their College Match Agreement.

Apply for the Match

Follow this timeline to apply for the National College Match:
Date/Deadline What to complete Who
September 28 National College Match application All applicants

QuestBridge ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Mon 10/19/15 4:46 PM
To:Laurieallen55 (
## Please type your reply above this line ##

QuestBridge, Oct 19, 1:46 PM:Dear Laurie,
We've received and read both of your emails and are very sorry to hear about your situation. We understand how frustrating it can be to navigate college admissions deadlines and paperwork. We're especially sorry to hear that (son) was mistakenly advised that there was a later deadline for QuestBridge Regular Decision. The QuestBridge application process is complex, which is why we sent (son) emails from August through September with information about the processes so that he could research it for himself.
Unfortunately, we are no longer accepting applications for the National College Match. Please note that our partner colleges have chosen to be affiliated with QuestBridge because they are committed to ensuring that financial barriers do not prevent qualified students from attending their schools. We hope that (son) will not be discouraged from applying to these and other colleges with similar financial aid policies on his own, as low income students will likely receive generous financial aid if accepted.
Please also visit our Scholarship Resources page at
We wish you and (son) all the best in the college application process.
Kind regards,
The QuestBridge Team

Below is the 2 month chase of disgrace. I didn't paste all the emails. It's what they do. No do and delay. Till it's too late or you gave up. I don't give up. My sentence is too late.

RSU71 Superintendent Knowles responds @ 4am with delusion. I ASKED TO PERSONALLY MEET WITH HIM ON 8/23/2015 BEFORE SCHOOL EVEN STARTED. HE REFUSED TO MEET WITH ME. I have compiled another trail of failure specific to Knowles continuing the corruption of education to our children. Cost beyond the astronomical budget that was to save the corrupt system from RSU20 to the new RSU71. Same control as corrupt Belfast City Hall and targeting private property resident destruction under the new Comprehensive Plan 10/2014 (new zoning still not public the City website, more unknown public information with held, meetings manipulated, on and on and no one else will speak up. Either dirtily implicated or fearful for their families and safety. Hello- they watched me get thrown by every corrupt white, blue and pink collar bully by the masses, for 5 years.)

I was side blinded when my son's  guidance counselor (also detrimental with lies) included in an email that she had accepted another position outside of the district and was gone an hour later. Jessica would not respond to my emails. I sent them to the RSU address (both 71 and 20- I knew she was ditching me) Her new address was not listed yet, but not hard to figure out. I sent the email there too ( No response. I sent it to the administration of her new school, then she replied. Shameless.

Within the hour of flight, Jessica had emailed my son and asked him to call her. She never did return his call.  Turns out she has deep family ties in Belfast and community weight including Waldo Cap LIHEAP. Another problem for me. Makes sense now. Dot, dot, dot, connecting the never ending implicating web. 

rom: Jessica Woods ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Mon 9/07/15 10:02 PM
To:LAURIE ALLEN (; James Davis (
Hi Laurie,
I apologize for the delay in response to your email. I did see that you emailed the Administrative Assistant at my new place of employment. 
I am copying James Davis on this email as well, as it seems that he is most likely working with (son)l this 2015-16 year. I did submit the nomination paperwork for Michael to QuestBridge back in August. Additionally, I have offered to provide all or part of letters of recommendation for 2016 seniors who were on my caseload. However, the "school counselor" letter can not come from me entirely, as I am no longer employed by RSU 71 and will not be the school counselor that (son) will report on his Common Application. I will work with Mr. Davis regarding (son's) letter. 

Sent:Fri 9/04/15 8:54 AM (; LAURIE ALLEN (; (

Dear Ms. Hall,

Please confirm that I have the correct email address for Jessica Woods. I haven't received a response for the email below and I am worried. My son needs Jessica's letter of recommendation to submit his college applications. Please confirm that Jessica receives this message. For the record, I will copy and paste Jessica's confirmation for the recommendation that should have been received. Jessica did not respond to the 8/22 email to advise how we would receive the letter and (son) did not receive a phone call either.

 Please send the letter to my email .  Emails are in flux with transitioning from RSU20 to RSU71 and are a problem.

Thank You,
Laurie Allen

Subject: (son's) Letter
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2015 15:49:18 -0400


We have not received your letter of recommendation. Please advise when and how (son) will receive it. Did you submit (son) for the PBK award?

Thank You,

Sent:Sat 8/22/15 10:40 AM (; (; LAURIE ALLEN (

We did not get your resignation messages before you left. Please call (son) @ xxx-xxx-xxxx after 1pm today per your request to speak with him. Please advise how (son) will receive your letter of recommendation.

Laurie Allen

Now we move on to Guidance Director of Fraud- James Davis and gang (Superintendent Knowles and Principal Fitzpatrick) .

On 8/23/15, I contacted Superintendent Knowles with the history- see below. I had to make sure Superintendent authority would not allow Director of Guidance James Davis to destroy the golden Questbridge College Application due on 9/28/2015. Knowles couldn't have burned my son any faster than a blow torch. 

Targeting children is done by the sickest of all. Hands up, children down. Take that Mom.

10/23/15 Superintendent Knowles is not responding.  2nd requested email today.

Subject: FW: (son)  Proof of Questbridge School Failure
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 08:43:36 -0400

Superintendent Knowles,

This is exactly what I thought would happen with Guidance Director James Davis. (son) on track to get the Questbridge application in by the deadline on Monday, 9/28/2015,  until James Davis finally met with (son) the Questbridge Application on Friday, 9/24/2015 after month long requests to do so. Despite the overloaded scheduling, no counselor in place and the Phi Beta Kappa fraud.

I asked you to oversee this on August 25  after the certificate fraud and you assured me that Guidance Director Jame Davis would do his job. I gave all the information on the deadlines and college choices and stepped in because I had to. The cover up of the Phi Beta Kappa award is shocking abuse of administration power hurting a scholarly student.

(son) wanted to believe James Davis would help him. (son) left his office on 9/24/2015 believing he could apply for regular decision after 9/28/2015. If (son) did NOT meet with James Davis, the application would have been received by 9/28/2015. Questbridge was (son's) best chance and a gift. 

So many teens turn to drugs or suicide to escape what (son) has been through and continues to deal with. (son) turns to his studies, excels and does not want to ask anything of anyone. Expectations for him to aggressively cope with certain school administration intent on hurting him is outrageous. Blaming (son) again is wrong.

What is your resolution now as (son) continues to hold on and take more abuse? Please advise.

Laurie Allen

Guidance Director James Davis does not advise, does not schedule son's interview, nor does Davis send any further communications to me. The Questbridge Application is not done and the ACT test on 10/25/2015 is canceled on 10/22/2015 because a photo was not sent in with the registration. My overwhelmed son did not check his email in time to see his registration photo did not attach. Exactly the reason that I asked for DAVIS to do the registration with my son. My son blames himself only.
This is all I asked of Superintendent Knowles before school even began. Oversee the lying and fraudulent Guidance Director Davis and make sure the documents needed by 9/25/2015 weeks were in order. Knowles would have received another email from me and my son would be free from their intent targeting to rob my son of his educational rights.
After 2 months of failure after failure by Superintendent Knowles to do his job, now costing us enormous college opportunities and funding, he advises us to go back to Davis for more failure that he has inflicted on my son before he even set foot in the High School for 9th grade (all documented proof below). Knowles refused to meet with me personally from the start in August and is telling me this??? Insane (Dr. Knowles can't even get my name right) Blue highlites requests to Knowles for oversight. Red is Knowles trying to run. ONE email from Davis in green. All this for nothing, the toll on my son and I beyond measure.

rom:  Paul Knowles ( 
Sent: Sat 10/24/15 4:10 AM
Mrs. Allan,
I encourage you to have a face to face meeting with Mr. Davis and (son) to discuss this issue and develop a plan for the remainder of the year in regards to (son) applying to schools. I believe direct face to face communication is the best way to resolve this and any further issues.
Paul Knowles

My request to meet FACE to FACE with Superintendent Knowles from the start- 8/23/15!
Sent: Sun 8/23/15 10:27 AM
To: (; (; (; (; Molly Ross (; (; (; (; LAURIE ALLEN (
I'd like to meet with Superintendent Knowles and (son) for college support and assistance.  Please advise.

It is clear that (son) has not received Guidance advocacy that began when he entered BAHS 9th grade. James Davis, Director of Guidance was (son's) counselor and did not advise (son) that he did not receive his elective. (son) even met with James Davis before the cut off because (son) wanted to be placed in honors English. Davis told him to stay put and never advised that his elective was not available. (son) was only carrying 5 1/2 credits without that elective! Some days he was done with classes at 10:30 am. I would come to the school and take him home for the day. Mr. Kenniston was there one day when I was signing him out at 10:30. He looked at (son's) schedule and said nothing. I had been taking (son) out every week for 3 months before I figured out that he didn't get his elective. I sent emails to James Davis and Principal Fitzpatrick asking if (son) would be penalized for leaving school at 10:30 am for the day, every week. James Davis  lied, stating (son) CHOSE not to pick another elective. Principal Fitzpatrick supported James Davis. At that time, (son) should have received Latin 1 with accelerated tutoring on site. Instead I had to fight to get him enrolled with an online elective for a half credit through Asst. Superintendent McDonald.

Last year was AP Environmental Science with lies that (son) could not take that class online. (son's) schedule this year is brutal, his senior year. Why? Why has (son) been short changed? The Phi Betta Kappa student of Belfast, receiving that award regardless of the adults hurting his education. I fear he will be hurt further because I am writing this. School parents are damned if they do, damned if they don't.

Here are past difficult emails of proof. This is from my public blog,  "parent" is me and *** is (son).
Sent: Tue 8/25/15 10:28 AM
I would welcome your commitment to support (son). I hope you will work with us. Thank you.

 Paul Knowles ( 
Sent: Tue 8/25/15 11:15 AM

Ms. Allen,
I have read the emails you have sent, while I am willing to meet with you, I am still unclear as to why you wish to meet with me. Before we set a time to meet, please help me better understand the issue(s) we will be discussing and the outcome you are looking for.
Paul Knowles

Sent: Tue 8/25/15 4:19 PM
I am asking you to personally help (son) or if you can't, perhaps assign a mentor. (son) deserves that. You do not have to meet with me. I thought it would be helpful.

Sent: Thu 8/27/15 2:21 PM
Please respond. Thank you.

1. Please advise why we were not notified that (son) received the Phi Beta Kappa Academic award and if there is an document that he should have received. (As the recipient of the Phi Beta Kappa academic achievement award, I would think that opens many doors for him. Yet the school did not  acknowledge the achievement. That tells me that the administration has dismissed (son). (son) is in limbo without a trustworthy counselor or dedicated academic adviser.)

2. I am asking you to personally help (son) or if you can't, perhaps assign a mentor. (son) deserves that.
(The BAHS principal, assistant principal, and guidance department refuse accountability for their errors that hurt Michael's education
rom:  Paul Knowles (
Sent: Thu 8/27/15 2:51 PM
Ms. Allan,
I have asked Mr. Fitzpatrick, Mr. Davis, and/or Mrs. Blood to contact you with the answer to your questions.

Paul Knowles
Knowles refuses to respond to me directly. Farming me out. I don't think so
Sent: Fri 8/28/15 8:14 AM
Superintendent Knowles,

Please have your staff  respond to you.
Due to the unacceptability of BAHS Guidance Dept., Principal and Asst. Principal for hampering (son's) education, it has been escalated to you. No one responded to this email below.  This is a problem for the superintendent to resolve. I cannot hope for them to suddenly become accountable.  Please understand the difficult situation they have placed me in.

I will accept resolutions from you. Please advise. Thank you.


And here it is- Superintendent Knowles commits fraud with a

counterfeit document signed by Guidance Director James Davis

and Principal Fitzpatrick. PBK Dr. Ward confirms fraud.
rom: Paul Knowles ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Fri 8/28/15 10:11 AM
The award is being mailed to you this week. Michael was absent during the awards presentation when it was to be presented. Then students who were absent from the ceremony were asked to pick up the awards in the office, but this did not happen with Michael for what ever reason.
Paul Knowles
Subject: RE: XXXXX Belfast Award 2015.
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2015 17:45:36 +0000

The photo you e-mailed is not of the certificate that we sent to the school.  Our certificate was sent to James Davis from our printing company, likely in April.  Maybe Mrs. Ross could inquire about it for you with Mr. Davis and that she could let the guidance staff  know that I have said that what you received is not our certificate.  The name on the form is James Davis.It was sent to James Davis.  If they cannot find it and are willing to pay for a new one, someone from the school can contact me and I can give them the contact information for the printing company.
Debora Elliott Ward, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
The Acadia Hospital
268 Stillwater Ave.
Bangor, ME  04402-0422
Office (207) 973-6349
Fax (207) 973-6038

Sent: Sat 8/29/15 9:18 AM
Cc: Molly Ross (
Superintendent Knowles,

I had hoped for concern and immediate resolution from you.
I was hopeful that you would fully investigate the history of BAHS administration staff (Director of Guidance James Davis, Counselor Jessica Woods, Principal Fitzpatrick, Asst. Principal Kenniston and Ann McClellan (ILP failure administration) intentionally dismissing my son's education. Despite their cruelty, (son) has kept his head down and with his teachers, has achieved the stellar Phi Beta Kappa Achievement Award and a 4.0(?) GPA. BAHS administration has denied (son) that achievement and crushes his self esteem. Your response is not believable and is an insult.  This was an opportunity for integrity. Time is critical with early deadlines to college's worthy of (son) and 2 weeks have been wasted.
J. Knowles continues the fraud. He doesn't know I have sent

the fraud certificate to Dr. Ward for verification.
Knowles is more "personal" in this email because I began copying my son's teacher- Mrs. Ross. He begins sending me down the rabbit hole, detouring accountability and will meet with my son WITHOUT me. Right. I don't think so.

rom:  Paul Knowles ( 
Sent: Sun 8/30/15 7:21 AM
By no means was there a cover up with (son) receiving the award. Awards for all student were presented at the final assembly. Because of the beginning of the school and all that needs to be accomplished, an assembly for this purpose is not possible. Jess Woods now works for the Islesboro School Department. You may contact her directly to ask her to write the letter of recommendation for (son). You may also contact Mrs. Ross directly to ask her to be (son's) key adviser. She may also have a suggestion about a male faculty member who would help (son). Certainly (son's) father may make these contacts as well. (son's) schedule still can be modified to best meet his needs by working with the guidance office. Lastly, (son) is welcome to come to my office to meet me and talk, if he wishes.


Paul D. Knowles

K. Now Knowles has been caught and won't respond.
Sent: Fri 9/04/15 8:56 AM
To: (
Cc: (; Molly Ross (; (
2nd request 9/4/15, please respond.
Sent: Wed 9/02/15 5:55 PM
Cc: (; Molly Ross (; (

Superintendent Knowles,

Guidance Director James Davis and Principal Fitzpatrick have committed fraud and robbed my son again. Denying him the honor of this prestigious award. You chose to support these frauds rather than fully investigate. They lied to you or you covered up for them. Which one is it? They never announced (son) as the recipient of this award. We would have never known that he received this and it would have never been put on his applications. (son) needs college application assistance and sending him to the Director of Fraud is not acceptable. Please appoint someone competent and worthy of (son's 4.0, Phi Beta Kappa intelligence that will be dedicated to guiding Michael through the early deadline college application process immediately. If the actual award cannot be produced, please contact Dr. Ward from the Maine PBK (email below) for a duplicate. 

Full accountability is requested.

Laurie Allen
L. Knowles has been caught counterfeiting, yet holds firm to 


rom:  Paul Knowles ( 
Sent: Fri 9/04/15 9:23 AM
Ms. Allan.

I assure I have fully investigated the situation. As stated before, (son) was absent the day of the awards presentation. All students who were absent, were called to the guidance office the day after the assembly to obtain their awards. Again, (son) did not go to the office to pick up the award. Mr. Davis stated the award given to(son)  was the award he received to present to (son) and is investigating further. I am confident (son) can be helped through the college application process with Mrs. Blood or Mr. Davis, which ever counselor he chooses.

Paul Knowles

Sent: Fri 9/04/15 10:28 AM
Cc: (; Molly Ross (; (; (; (; (; (
Superintendent Knowles,

Your response lacks accountability and recognition of administration harm to my son's education. (son) does not want any confrontations, acknowledgements or further problems. He is willing to work with James Davis and holds no animosity towards him. (son) is always forgiving.

1. Please advise when the authentic PBK award will be mailed to (son).

2. Please oversee James Davis with the assisting (son) with the early deadline college application process, Quest Bridge early application assistance, and verifying all documents in his transcripts. (son) cannot view his AP scores because of a glitch.

3.  Please have James Davis confirm that (son's) AP scores have been posted and share them with (son). The college boards have conflicting birth dates for (son's) account and he cannot access the AP scores.

4. Please have James Davis advise (son) of the ACT that Jessica references below.

On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 8:19 AM, Jessica Woods  wrote:
He is eligible for a fee waiver if he is eligible for free or reduced lunch. I'm not sure if we have received the fee waivers for this academic year, but we will have them soon. Which SAT is he thinking about? He should also take the ACT, at either husson or Bangor high. Thanks!

5.  I am requesting Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Baker to be included in the oversight process with James Davis. Please advise.
Sent: Mon 9/14/15 10:41 AM
Cc: (
Mr. Davis,

Please advise of your meeting with (son) today. I am still waiting for response for receipt of the authentic PBK Award that (son) never received. I want that award. Please respond today.

In your meeting, please cover and advise:

1. Mr. Davis has downloaded the college board student ID form to correct the birth date error. Mr. Davis will email that form to me today, 9/14.

2. Mr. Davis and Jessica Woods will give (son) their letter of recommendation by what date?
3. Mr. Davis has assisted (son) with the fee waiver and completed the ACT test registration online with (son).

4. Mr Davis has provided (sons) with specific directions towards college applications and will advise if any further meetings are needed. If so, please schedule those today with (son) and advise. He is leaving at noon on 9/17/2015.

Laurie Allen
Sent: Tue 9/15/15 8:22 AM
Cc: (; Molly Ross (
Mr. Davis,

It is my understanding that Michael met with you yesterday and #1, 2, and 3 were not resolved and #4 is pending your advisement. The authentic PBK Award is not resolved.

Resisting accountability makes the situation worse and negatively impacts s(sons). The history of failures warrants written accounting of your college guidance and application process with (son) to Superintendent Knowles and me. Superintendent Knowles assured me on 9/4/15 of his confidence in you. I copied Mrs. Ross because Superintendent Knowles gave approval for Mrs. Ross to assist with (son's) college process. Mrs. Ross kindly said she would help (son) as much as she could and has already given (son) her letter of recommendation.

(son) was not feeling well when I picked him up from school yesterday. He is home today. I understand that you wanted to see him again today to resolve the issues listed. These should have been resolved yesterday.

Please advise me and Superintendent Knowles through email today #1, 2, 3 and 4 and when I will receive the authentic PBK award.

P. The only email from Davis this entire crucial month and he

throws Questbridge away.
rom:  James Davis ( 
Sent: Tue 9/15/15 10:29 AM
Cc: (; Molly Ross (
Ms. Allen - Your email to me was sent yesterday at 10:41 AM. 

(son) and I met at 11:00. I read your email sometime after (son's) appointment. Here is an update for you:

1. (son) will see me later today to sign the Collegeboard form that you requested. Then I will email it to you.

2. Typically recommendations do not go from the recommender to the student or the family. They go directly to the institution, as they become devalued otherwise. Let me know if this is your wish. When (son) brings in his Transcript Request Form to the Counseling Office, then the recommendation will get written. (son) will receive more information on this later this week in English class.

3. (son) was comfortable in going home, creating an ACT account, and starting the registration process himself. He said that I did not need to do this for him. That was (son's) choice. I have his fee waiver here.

4. Group information will be provided to all Seniors in English class this week. Students are then invited to schedule their Senior Interview. 

Lastly, the printer of the PBK certificate said that 'we will print and mail as soon as we have a chance'. 

Upon calling (son) to the Counseling Office, we see that he is absent today. Both the CollegeBoard form and the ACT waiver await him in my office.

Mr. Davis
Q. I ask Davis to schedule the college interview now and advise.

Davis does not respond. Knowles is equally negligent.
Sent: Tue 9/15/15 1:19 PM
Cc: (; Molly Ross (
Mr. Davis,

(son) will go to your office tomorrow morning before school begins. Please confirm that you will be there and the following will be fulfilled.

1. College board form requires an affixed photo of (son) and your school seal imprint on the corner of the photo. (son) will bring in his college boards photo to affix to the form (tape or glue- your choice) with your seal. Please confirm compliance. PLEASE SEND THE ORIGINAL FORM HOME WITH MICHAEL. AN EMAIL WILL NOT SUFFICE. I must fax the original form to Jessica @ the College boards.

2. Please give (son) the recommendation letters. (son) does not have a Transcript Request form. Mrs. Baker requested (son's) transcripts and activity sheet that your office provided for Mrs. Baker's letter of recommendation. You have his transcripts- are you giving him a form to tell you to give yourself the transcripts? Please advise when your letter of recommendation will be complete.

3. Please give (son) the ACT waiver form.

4. Please schedule (son's) Senior Interview now and advise me of the date and time.

Laurie Allen

Davis is forced to see my son before the deadline, 9/28. 

He tells my son that he can wait to apply for regular decision if

he wants to try to take his SAT's again for a higher score. We

believed him. We lost Questbridge. Deadline for all decisions 

was 9/28.

Sent: Thu 9/24/15 7:08 PM
To: (; (; LAURIE ALLEN (
Cc: (; Molly Ross (
Mr. Davis and Superintendent Knowles,

I am begging for Mr. Davis to work with (son) tomorrow and complete the early application Questbridge program.  It must be received by Monday, 9/28/2015 and (son) does not have his transcripts, secondary school report and letters of recommendation from Mr. Davis and Mrs. Baker. On September 15th I had sent an email to Mr. Davis requesting an appointment for the college application and never received a response.

10/22/15 Since August, with the Superintendent of Schools, Paul Knowles, Belfast Area High School Principal Fitzpatrick and Director of Guidance James Davis covering up their fraud with the Phi Beta Kappa Achievement Award, with a documented history of targeting my son since entering BAHS, they have now cost us the Questbridge College Applications- Free tuition, room and board @ top colleges for low income top students, my son ... unbearable and brutal.

Below was sent to Maine DOE, Senator George Mitchell's college fund staff and the school board chair, David Crabriel and Maine, DOE. Last year, Abigail informed me that guidance lied to my son again and cost him AP Environmental Science. 9th Grade was Latin and Honors English, I copied that email so Abigail would remember... So much more, all because Belfast City Hall and real estate agents targeted a low income Mom in 2010. Counting on me to stay down and take the abuse because of the danger to my children. Blaming me is their forte'. Proof and truth is mine. Robbing my son of this chance for stellar college choices is beyond comprehension. He will hate that I made this public. He is so sick of all this, so am I. Nothing hurts more than ADULTS hurting my children. LEAVE THEM ALONE!!  My biggest fear is that I will die, be falsely imprisoned, become ill, my son harmed... before he can get away. Five years now, I keep holding on and try to fix the corruption. Alone.

Sent:Tue 10/20/15 11:39 AM (; (; LAURIE ALLEN ( (; (; (
Dear Ms. Manahan and Ms. Warren,

Below are more lies, fraud, a punishing schedule and more bullying that have cost us Questbridge. I cannot stop crying. It is unbearable to know (son) must face this and them every day and ask them for guidance. It is nothing short of sending the abused before their abusers to receive more abuse. (son) does not have anger and tries to protect Mr. Davis. Victims of abuse 101, the story of his life while watching me take on bully after bully, from family, businesses and government for protecting our basic constitutional rights . Mr. Crabriel is the Chairman of the school board and is aware. 

I believe Senator Mitchell is somewhat aware. I was protesting Belfast City Hall and Realtor corruption outside of the First Church in Belfast while the Senator was inside promoting his book through Left Bank Books. I am reaching out for help. Punishing (son's) education because I stand up for our rights is the core of corruption.

(son) should be flying after all he has achieved, consistent high honors, Phi Beta Kappa award, National Honors, AP Scholar Honors... Instead he is sick every day and night. All he needed was the support of his guidance counselor in 9th grade. I tried my best to stay out of the school so that no one would know that I was his mother. I knew they would hurt him (not the teachers).

Laurie Allen

10/24/15 Note- "Below" is all the information above- all the emails and documentation. I deleted it here to avoide the lengthy redundancy.


Voters approve RSU 71 budget on second pass

New numbers rejected by two towns, carried by a majority
 By Ethan Andrews | Aug 04, 2015

Belfast — A second draft of the Regional School Unit 71 budget passed by popular majority at a validation referendum Aug. 4.
The $25.2 million budget was approved by a tally of 716 in favor and 465 votes against. Belfast, Belmont and Searsmont had more votes in support of the budget, while Morrill and Swanville each had more opposed.
Speaking after the votes were in, RSU 71 board Chairman David Crabiel said he wasn't put off by the split but rather was encouraged to see closer margins than at the first referendum in June.
"Obviously, I wanted to have it pass in all five towns, but I think you have to look at the number overall," he said. "I think people saw the work that the board did."
Crabiel was referring to cuts totaling roughly $500,000 that the board made after the June referendum.
Additionally, district officials anticipate another half-million in revenue that was not factored in the original budget — including a $300,000 increase in state funding.
The combined $1 million reduction would increase in the local share of school funding by an average of 2.26 percent across the five towns instead of 9.3 percent as projected in the first draft.
In the weeks leading up to the vote, the board vowed to look in the coming year for savings in areas too complex to analyze during the crunch of the previous six months, which were largely consumed with getting the new district off the ground.
Belfast, Belmont, Morrill, Searsmont and Swanville formed RSU 71 after withdrawing simultaneously from the eight-town RSU 20 in November 2014. The board of the new district held its first meeting in January. As of June, the nine-member board had met more than 50 times.
At a public budget meeting July 28, some voters reiterated concerns that any increase in property taxes could cause residents with low or fixed incomes to lose their homes to foreclosure. Peter Sheff of Morrill and Stephen Hopkins of Belmont, who have been outspoken opponents of increases in the local share, made a number of attempts to cut money from the major cost centers in the school board's budget but were outnumbered by supporters, including some who felt the board had done enough since the last vote.
"I think the school board and the superintendent made a good effort to drop [the bottom line] down considerably," Morrill Selectman Randy Place said at the July 28 meeting. Place had previously told the board his town wouldn't be able to make its payments to the district, but he said he would support the reworked budget, adding that he hoped to see another million dollars taken off the bottom line by next year.
"Is it possible?" he said. "I don't know, but I think you guys can find out … Maybe you can't drop it, but show us why you can't."
A bone of contention in the budget was the board's decision to keep three new teachers, in elementary art, middle school foreign language and high school music.
The positions were cut while the five towns were part of RSU 20, leading many board members to describe them as "restored" rather than "new." Superintendent Paul Knowles, who is new, recommended waiting to see if there were enough students enrolled to justify hiring the teachers. The board disagreed, in part because many members viewed the investment in arts and humanities as a way to set the educational tone of the new district.
At the budget meeting, several residents echoed this view.
Kate Forand of Belfast said many parents wouldn't be able to afford private art, music and language classes. "The only place to get these classes is in public school," she said.
Belfast -  Yes 445, No 195
Belmont - Yes 49, No 41
Morrill - Yes 76, No 88
Searsmont - Yes 102, No 80
Swanville - Yes 44, No 61


Posted by: Christopher Hyk | Jul 31, 2015 23:12
In the olden days journalists and newspapers used to try and present both sides of an issue. In this article I see no mention of  any named  person or quotes opposed to the tax increase. How about mentioning the Tax Collector from Morrill who had just sent out 90 foreclosure notices for delinquent  property taxes, or the disabled, weeping woman who may no longer be able to afford to remain in her house, and so many other people who spoke against the tax increase ( the first "Article" only just made it through through the vote). Even in the printed version of the Republican Journal three pro School Budget letters were printed. Anyone who goes to these budget meetings knows that the audience is packed with school employees, their friends and relatives. I've heard endless tales of the Board's " hard work". Well " hard work "is fine for digging ditches, personally I'd rather see "Smart Work" in terms of fiscal  issues.
The money from the State was a windfall, we will never likely see it again, the " Carry over" from RSU20 will never be seen again. Rather than cutting some of the 11 surplus teachers  ( and the huge fiscal penalty the State imposes on this surplus ) our new Board has seen fit to  HIRE 3 more ( against the advice of their Superintendent ), and this is without anyone knowing how many students are actually enrolled in RSU 71. We start a new District in the same mode as we left the old one , over staffed and bounding towards massive debt. This time next year we will hear about the "Lack of Revenue" from the State and the Board will once again ask for a 10% increase.
At this Meeting I watched the Board ignore ANY compromise with the old, the poverty stricken, the disabled, the disinfranchised. RSU 71  doesn't have a PR problem it has a PR nightmare, perhaps "Let them eat cake" should be the new District motto. I hope that on Tuesday, August 4th people will vote NO on this Budget, it would be prudent and logical to wait a year and see how the District evolves before hiring ANYONE and increasing the tax burden on an already grossly over taxed populace.

Posted by: Caitlin Hills | Aug 01, 2015 14:29
Chris, as a former board member yourself, I am truly dismayed at your comments. Peter Sheff and Steve Hopkins are both mentioned in this article.
The fact that you have not attended even ONE budget workshop that the RSU 71 BOD held makes your argument much less persuasive. Frankly, I am startled at your insulting tone. It is not the tone of the gentleman that I served with on the RSU 20 Board.
This budget IS a compromise. If it were not a compromise, it would look the same way as the one we presented in June. It does not, it lowers the increase by a significant degree. VOTE YES on Tuesday. YES to a commonsense budget that values both the children and the taxpayers. YES to RSU 71 Budget.

Posted by: Christopher Hyk | Aug 02, 2015 10:17
The elephant in the room Ms. Hills is too many teachers - too few students- the Board has not only failed to address this issue it wants to exacerbate the problem by hiring three more teachers.
I've attended countless Board Budget Meetings in the past and witnessed the cavalier attitude of Board Members towards taxpayer's money. If you want transparency televise your Budget Meetings as the Belfast City Council does, but oh I forgot, your Chairman doesn't want any Meetings televised for fear someone might "grandstand", so much for transparency.
The last I checked my Social Contract there was an obligation to protect widows and orphans, the sick and aged...not exploit them with regressive taxation designed to hurt the poorest amongst us the most. Don't throw grandma under the bus on Tuesday, vote "NO", and send this Board back to do it's job.

Posted by: Caitlin Hills | Aug 02, 2015 14:13
Well, not you are just lying Chris. I know it's tempting when you don't have the facts, and you gave in to the temptation.. You have NOT attended any budget workshops put forth by the RSU 71. Our Chairman NEVER said he did not want our meetings televised. Throwing out the "orphan and old" card? So beneath you. This budget reflects the Board's concern for the taxpayers while also moving the district toward a more vibrant learning community. VOTES YES FOR OUR CHILDREN and OUR COMMUNITIES!

Posted by: Christopher Hyk | Aug 02, 2015 15:15
Ms. Hills,
If you read what wrote I said I'd attended many Budget Meetings in the past, yes, RSU20 Meetings,  I've suffered enough. Anyway are they any different from those hosted by RSU71? Judging from from the burnt turkey of a Budget you first sent  out to the polls I'd say the finished product is just like that of the old RSU20, or worse. This new budget not only kicks the can down the road,again, it sets us up for a huge debt next year.
As to your Chairman stating he wouldn't allow filming because he feared " grandstanding", ask him to deny it,  other people were in the Meeting, I think perhaps you were on vacation.
Maybe you find it difficult to believe there is poverty in RSU 71, you need to get out more, we live in one of the poorest counties in the State of Maine.

Posted by: Caitlin Hills | Aug 03, 2015 22:15 Thanks Chris. I just wonder, if you " had enough" why did you even run for RSU 71? I guess the voters questioned that as well, as you lost. In terms of getting out in the community? I challenge you to come up with things you have done done for the community vs what I have done. I run a family friendly y FB page with over 700 followers and a dedicated website That lists all sorts of great events for children. I volunteer at the schools twice a week, every week. I seek grants from companies to help our schools. I advocate for our children EVERY day.  And you?

 Posted by: Christopher Hyk | Aug 04, 2015 08:11 Ms. Hills,
The focus of this article concerns the Budget, I've seen the same old dog and pony show once too often. I ran for the RSU 71 seat in hopes that a new paradigm might be created, a new  Board not created by, of and for the employees of RSU71. In Belfast 7% of the voters turned out to vote at the end of January, your mandate.
What have I done for the Community? I suggest you ask Ben Potter about the Farnsworth Education Program, ask Bonnie Kein at the WCTC, ask the Islesboro Islands Trust, ask the Friends of Sears Islands, ask the Belfast City Council, ask Kit Seelye at the New York Times.... but is this a contest of virtue? I thought it was about the Budget.
90 people in Morrill received a foreclosure notice for Property Taxes, can you honestly not see that something is grossly out of balance?
 Posted by: Jeff Davis | Aug 04, 2015 06:52 He was the first to come forward and volunteered to record the meetings. Then, another Saint Savior of Kids accused him of doing for politcial gain and he quit. And I thank the Lord daily that I can read this from afar and know that it doesn't effect our children. Our budget passed.

Posted by: Christopher Hyk | Aug 04, 2015 08:11
Ms. Hills,
The focus of this article concerns the Budget, I've seen the same old dog and pony show once too often. I ran for the RSU 71 seat in hopes that a new paradigm might be created, a new  Board not created by, of and for the employees of RSU71. In Belfast 7% of the voters turned out to vote at the end of January, your mandate.
What have I done for the Community? I suggest you ask Ben Potter about the Farnsworth Education Program, ask Bonnie Kein at the WCTC, ask the Islesboro Islands Trust, ask the Friends of Sears Islands, ask the Belfast City Council, ask Kit Seelye at the New York Times.... but is this a contest of virtue? I thought it was about the Budget.
90 people in Morrill received a foreclosure notice for Property Taxes, can you honestly not see that something is grossly out of balance?

Posted by: Roxanna Morse | Aug 07, 2015 17:59
I hope our Northport students will return to BAHS: We love them!

Posted by: Debora Riley | Aug 07, 2015 15:06
I agree with Jeff Davis. From a distance.........things look better.

Posted by: Laurie Allen (the paper banned me for calling out the corrupt Downtown Revitilization Plan- City Planner Wayne Marshall and his henchmen- Harriman Consultors)
Caitlin Hills is difficult and self-superior in her mind. Sadly, so is the rest of her click- including the unethical wife of Belfast City Council Eric Sanders- Courtney. Their drama is below the article. I questioned the ethics of Courtney telling voters to Vote No on the 2013 mind blowing budget. Just like her hubbie. Fiscally and ethically bereft. (I was then blocked on that "open" group- Friends and Supporters of RSU20- the posts are on below..)

I would like to see the teachers submit an anonymous budget- give them the budget amount and see what they come back with.Anyone who will not allowing taping a public meeting spells corrupt.

Posted by: Joyce C Scott | Jul 31, 2015 09:28
We also received $314,000.00 additional dollars from the state and Dr Knowles found around $200,000.00 in other revenues based on a closer look at the estimated revenues so that we are actually having to raise a little more than one million dollars less then the first budget.  In our town of Morrill that is a bit more than a one mil savings so far.

Comments (1)
Posted by: Ardene Parker | Jul 31, 2015 05:14
The last budget voted on was $25.7 million.  So this one is $25.2 million, if my math is correct that is only $500,000 thousand not 1 million in cuts.
Five towns to vote Tuesday, Aug. 4

RSU 71 budget headed back to referendum, $1M lighter

By Ethan Andrews | Jul 30, 2015
Belfast — Voters approved a pared down second draft of the Regional School Unit 71 budget by a margin of roughly two to one at a public meeting July 28. The $25.2 million bottom line goes before voters for final approval at a referendum Tuesday, Aug. 4.
After having a first draft of the budget rejected by voters in June, the school board found $500,000 in additional non-program cuts and learned the district would get $500,000 more in state general purpose aid than was factored in the original budget. The combined $1 million reduction would change the increase in the local share of school funding from 9.3 percent to 2.26 percent on average.
Additionally, the board vowed to look in the coming year for saving in areas too complex to analyze during the crunch of the previous six months, which were largely consumed with getting the new district off the ground.
Belfast, Belmont, Morrill, Searsmont and Swanville formed RSU 71 after withdrawing simultaneously from the eight-town RSU 20 in November 2014. The board of the new district held its first meeting in January. As of June, the nine-member board had met more than 50 times.
In many ways the July 28 meeting resembled the first budget meeting in June. A minority opposed to of any increase in property taxes attempted to cut money from the major cost centers on the meeting warrant but were outnumbered by supporters of the budget approved by the school board.
But with the local share reduced by $1 million, the board may have won over some voters who voiced appreciation for the board's efforts the first time around but opposed the first draft based on what it would do to local tax bills.
Morrill Selectman Randy Place told the board at the first budget meeting in June that he had supported the withdrawal and served on the town withdrawal committee but his town wouldn't be able to pay its bill to the school district based on the original budget proposal.
On Tuesday, he said the cuts and added revenue in the current draft were enough for now.
"I think the school board and the superintendent made a good effort to drop that down considerably," he said. Place said he would support the budget, but by next year hoped to see another million dollars taken off the bottom line.
"Is it possible?" he said. "I don't know, but I think you guys can find out … Maybe you can't drop it, but show us why you can't."
The reductions since the last draft were not enough for some residents who testified Tuesday night that residents, particularly in the smaller towns, would lose their homes if there were any increase in the local share over last year.
Peter Sheff of Morrill and Stephen Hopkins of Belmont made numerous attempts to amend major cost centers. Some targeted specifics of the budget, like the board's decision to keep three teachers — in elementary art, middle school foreign language and high school music — that are considered either new or "restored" positions.
The positions were cut while the five towns were part of RSU 20. Newly hired Superintendent Paul Knowles recommended waiting to see if there were enough students to justify hiring the teachers. Many board members saw restoring the positions as a way to establish the educational tone of the new district.
At the budget meeting, several residents defended the positions as important investments in the the community.
"This is where we have to place our money," said Paul Krohne of Belfast. "This is it."
Kate Forand of Belfast said many parents can't afford the alternative of private art, music and language classes. "The only place to get these classes is in public school," she said.
Joyce Scott of Morrill, who gave the budget a hard critique in June said there was more to do but she trusted the board and the new superintendent to work on it in the coming year.
The number of voters at the July 28 public budget meeting, by town, were 39 from Belfast, 14 from Belmont, 19 from Morrill, 17 from Searsmont and 15 from Swanville.
The RSU 71 budget goes before voters Tuesday, Aug. 4.
Belfast polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Belfast Boathouse for wards 1, 2, 3 and 4. Ward 5 voters should go to Belfast United Methodist Church.
Belmont polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the town office.
Searsmont polls will be open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the town office.
Contact other town offices for polling location and hours.

 Caitlin Hills
I am running for a seat on the School Board for Belfast. I am currently collecting signatures from registered Belfast residents. I will be at the fabulous street party tonight with my little clipboard, and would love your support! I hope to bring my consensus building skills to the Board and work on getting to YES! in support of comprehensive quality education that includes arts and sports. Much more on my platform in the near future, but for now, I must get on the ballot!
Caitlin Hills
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  • 2 people like this.
  • Eric Buch Consensus building skills? Really? In June you berrated a woman on Mike Hurley's site for choosing not to participate in the first withdrawal vote and then when I suggested that you refrain from judging others, you called me a pompous blowhard (or something to that effect). Maybe you've gone through a remarkable transformation since then....
  • Laurie Allen It's an adult bully epidemic- horrible. Our poor kids and ethical residents with conscience.
  • Laurie Allen but they have to put that back out to vote= then we're at 45K up in smoke
  • Laurie Allen Tell me how voting no will help our students int the RSU20. Not necessary to threaten me and insult me. You are a teacher?
  • Laurie Allen Hello...Charles are you out there? Waiting for reasons- vote is tomorrow.
  • Courtney Miller Sanders LAURIE ALLEN: I am COURTNEY SANDERS. MY SON IS IN 5th GRADE AT CASS AND MY DAUGHTER IS ENTERING KINDERGARTEN AT CASS THIS FALL. Please do not spread false rumours about my family! Keep your mouth shut when you know not of what you speak. Ask me or Eric directly before you criticize us in a public forum. And voting NO on the budget gives us one more chance to keep valuable programs in our schools that the current schoool board is intent on cutting.
  • Courtney Miller Sanders AND, Laurie Allen, if we did not have kids AT ALL, and Eric chose to fight as hard as he has for this cause, would you still "have a problem" with his service? Whether our kids are in the RSU or not (which two of them are) really shouldn't matter. There are many adults who have fought hard for this cause who have no children in the schools either, they just simply care about the education of our children in the community.
  • Caitlin Hills Courtney, you are SO right. Many board members do not have children currently in school. Does the previous poster feel they have no right to participate in this process? The education of children is important to all citizens! Parents, grandparents, and child free by choice. These are the young people who will be running our city in the very near future. Lets make sure they have the best educational experience possible.
  • Laurie Allen I was sure I heard Eric saying in the public meeting that his kids were not in the RSU but he would serve on the withdraw board. Questioning is democracy, freedom on public forum sites.I understand why you are angry with me, it is not about this. We are talking about the budget here, lets stay on topic. Cuts are mandatory, what are these valuable programs that the board believes would be the less effect to the overall RSU students. Bruce Mailloux indicated that rejecting the budget over and over was a costly mistake. Isn't it true that even with rejecting this one, costing 45k in rejections, that the programs could still be cut? Please tell us the programs so all can be informed.
  • Laurie Allen Caitlin, that is not what I said. In fact I was very interested in Dorothy's Odell's opinion because she serves and does not have children in the RSU. The other board member leaving, Dean, I respect also.I worked with him in the THMS gardens. I want answers and facts. No bias. Informed decisions.
  • Courtney Miller Sanders LAURIE ALLEN: Yes, let's stay on topic. Keep where my children go to school out of the conversation. You are the reason this thread became defensive in the first place. Please click on the icon "VOTE NO ON THE RSU 20 BUDGET" at the very beginning of this post. It details what is being cut. Go to PenBay Pilot for recent stories on this issue as well. Or go back and follow all of the previous posts on this group forum to get the info you are looking for.
  • Laurie Allen The cuts are for art- so how about a list of teachers/staff that don't meet the mark. has 2 big salaries. If art does go, there is a wealth of artists and community to help. It is good to have outside eyes in all schools.
  • Courtney Miller Sanders Laurie Allen, I'm leaving this conversation. You clearly are just trying to create discord. This is a site intended to inform parents of children in our schools of developments, and how they can participate to make them better. Eric fights for our schools because he believes they can be better. When someone devotes more than a year of their life to fight for schools ( a volunteer job with no pay) because they hope they can make a difference, the likes of people like you are just a big disappointment. Charles Hamm launched no attacks; he simply told you you should not be involving Eric's family and children in your criticisms, and I believe most people who follow this community page agree with him.